Thursday, April 29, 2010

How come we've got to the point where Christians must apologize for being who they are? Why have Christians allowed themselves to get into the position of being the bad guys? That is a very sad turn of events, and we'd better do something about it. Again, the extremists are the ones who get the attention. They're the ones people listen to, but they don't represent the vast majority of sensible, decent people who are too well-mannered to scream their opinions in your face.
-- Dixie Carter --
read the tribute at American Spectator


Anonymous said...

That was a cheap shot to call a dead woman's views on personal liberty, poorly considered. Now if the piece was more critical then I could understand principled dissent to her views, but this reads more like an attempt at to co-opt her as a spokesperson. There is nothing incongruos about her faith and respect of others to go to hell in their own fashion.

Maccus Germanis

Pastorius said...

Who said Dixie Carter's opinions are "poorly considered"?

Anonymous said...

Mark Tooley. The writer of the linked "tribute."

Maccus Germanis

Pastorius said...


I see.

It's funny to me cuz the guy could write the same about me.


I AM A LIBERTARIAN (of sorts) who would wonder aloud about perhaps legalizing drugs and prostitution.

Pastorius said...

I always thought Dixie Carter was a beautiful woman, and now I see I would have liked her as a person as well.